UHM VG 2024-25 DM Accessible - Flipbook - Page 38
(808) 956-6911
UH Mnoa
Department of Public Safety (DPS)
UH Mnoa Department of Public Safety (DPS) is dedicated
to providing and promoting a safe and secure campus, and
serving our community with aloha. DPS operates 24 hours
a day, 7 days a week, to patrol and respond to reports of
crime or suspicious activity on UH Mnoa campuses.
Emergency Call Boxes are located throughout campus
to provide instant communication with DPS officers, and
are easily identified at night by their blue lights. The
department9s Safety Escort Service provides a walking
escort or vehicle transportation between on-campus
facilities, every evening from dusk until dawn (Please
note that wait times may increase on weekends or during
inclement weather). DPS also offers a variety of crime
prevention and awareness programs, which are available
through the department9s Crime Prevention Unit.
DPS offers a safety escort service 7 days a week, from
dusk until dawn for students or employees walking alone on
campus. Call (808) 956-SAFE (7233). You can also use the
Mnoa Guardian app and set up a safety timer as a virtual
security escort.
´ manoa.hawaii.edu/dps
to report an
incident or request
officer assistance.
The app directly connects the user to DPS dispatch via
phone call or text message. The safety timer feature acts
as a virtual security escort3if your safety timer expires
before you deactivate it, DPS will be notified of your
location and will send help immediately. Use the app for
a directory of important UH Mnoa phone numbers and
to view emergency plans. For more information and to
download this free app, visit manoaguardian.com.
´ manoaguardian.com